275 Handwritten Margin Notes by Jacqueline Kennedy


Handwritten notes by Jacqueline Kennedy in the margins of a report on some horses
one page, 8.5 x 11, no date but postmarked August 14, 1990.


Handwritten notes by Jacqueline Kennedy in the margins of a report on some horses
one page, 8.5 x 11, no date but postmarked August 14, 1990.

Responding to a report on Toby’s sore feet, she asks: “Why are Toby’s feet so sore? Does he have shoes on? Will he be able to go to Va to hunt once a week Oct 22-Nov 20? I have to ask the Mellons if I can bring an extra horse, so let me know if he can or can’t.” About Midnight, she writes: “I imagined he’d be friskier once he felt better—sounds like hacking is fun!! As cubbing in N.J. would drive him crazy, I have arranged for Beth Fout…to take him the first week in October—so please plan to take him down there Oct 1. Then he’ll be ready for me at the end of month.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the original mailing envelope, addressed in Jackie’s own hand.

From the collection of Ronald E.F. Hoskins.