011 James Garfield


LS signed “J. A. Garfield”
one page, 7.75″ x 9.75″
March 10, 1874

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LS signed “J. A. Garfield”
one page, 7.75″ x 9.75″
March 10, 1874

Letter to Captain A. W. Stiles, in full: “Your kind note of the 27th of February came duly to hand. I regret to hear that you are about to leave Northern Ohio and I hope it will not be a permanent separation from us. I concur in your views in regard to the Post Office and shall require of them a clear and unquestioned majority in favor of a change before I ask it to be made. I hope you will write me as to the political movements in the district.” In very good to fine condition, with some light creasing. Accompanied by an engraving with facsimile signature.