126 Duke of Wellington ALS


ALS signed “Wellington,”
Three pages on two adjoining sheets, 7.25 x 9.25
September 19, 1813

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ALS signed “Wellington,”
Three pages on two adjoining sheets, 7.25 x 9.25
September 19, 1813

Letter marked “Confidential,” concerning the Peninsular War. In part: “From a letter received last night from the Prince D’Anglona commanding the Div’n of the 3d Army proceeding to the Blockade of Pamplona I have reason to apprehend that his Forces have been sent there either…undersupplied or very ill supported with Provisions notwithstanding that I had placed 100,000 Rations at the disposal of the Duque del Parque…But as the want of Provisions by the Prince D’Anglona’s Troops may materially influence the Blockade, & they may be obliged to quit it in order to go in search of Provisions, I herewith inclose an order upon a moveable magazine belonging to the 2d Division of the Army…I beg you will understand however first that you are not to use this order unless you shall be certain that the Prince D’Anglona’s troops are in the state of extreme distress supposed, & that they must either get the Provisions, or die or raise the Blockade to go in search of them.” In fine condition. The siege of Pamplona lasted into October, when the French were forced to surrender