134 Franklin Pierce


ALS as president,
three pages on two adjoining sheets, 7.75 x 9.75,
March 3, 1857

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ALS as president,
three pages on two adjoining sheets, 7.75 x 9.75,
March 3, 1857

Letter to his secretary Sydney Webster, written on the second-to-last day of his term as president, in part: “You need no assurance of my true and enduring friendship for you but I feel that a pleasing duty would be neglected if I were not to express, how entirely agreeable in all respects has been your discharge of official duty as my private secretary during the last four years. Your position has been one, at times of great embarrassment and always of much responsibility. Your attachment for me personally and your interest in whatever has concerned my fame or fortunes while they have increased your solicitude have it is pleasant to believe, made many causes of annoyance comparatively light. All this has been observed and fully appreciated by me and now when our official relations are about to cease I desire to say in a word that I know no person who could have made himself so entirely acceptable to me officially and in private intercourse as yourself.” In fine condition. Accompanied by the hand-addressed mailing envelope from Pierce, as well as another mailing envelope penned in the hand of Webster and marked “Important.”