175 Jane Pierce ALS


ALS signed “Jane,”
Three pages on two adjoining sheets, 7.75 x 9.75
December 30, 1844

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ALS signed “Jane,”
Three pages on two adjoining sheets, 7.75 x 9.75
December 30, 1844

Wife (1806-1863) of President Franklin Pierce, and first lady from 1853 to 1857.  Letter to her sister Mary Appleton Aiken, containing family news and gossip. In part: “I will write a few lines to my dear sister…I think of you with much love and solicitude dear sister and pray that you may be carried safely and happily through this season of infirmity and suffering. I long for the relief of knowing that the worst is over, and you are comfortable afterwards…William and John are very well, and have been out most of the day with their sled coasting…Mr. Pierce has been exceedingly unwell since I wrote…but yesterday and today his cough has yielded and he is better…Another year closes upon us, dearest sister, and we look back upon the loss of another beloved one—oh! that spiritual gain might equal these great and exceeding bitter bereavements…the rapid flight of time which is bearing so consistently onward —pray for me dear sister when you pray for yourself.” Addressed on the integral leaf in Pierce’s hand. In fine condition.