033 Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) TLS


TLS as governor
One page, 8″ x 10.5″, State of New York, Executive Chamber letterhead
February 4, 192
In fine condition.


TLS as governor
One page, 8″ x 10.5″, State of New York, Executive Chamber letterhead
February 4, 192
In fine condition.

Letter to Arnold T. Koch of the firm Roosevelt & O’Connor, in full: “Thank you ever so much for sending me the memorandum bearing on the State enforcement of the National Prohibition Act. I have been much interested in reading it and awfully glad to have it on hand.” Some four years later, on March 22, 1933, President Roosevelt, holding fast to his promise to repeal the 18th Amendment, signed into law a measure amending the Volstead Act, which had ushered in more than a decade of Prohibition in the United States.

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