197 Franklin Pierce ALS -2


Civil War-dated ALS
three pages on two adjoining sheets, 4.75 x 7.75
July 16, 1862

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Civil War-dated ALS
three pages on two adjoining sheets, 4.75 x 7.75
July 16, 1862

Letter to his secretary Sydney Webster, in part: “Col. H. wrote a few lines announcing the advent of the lingering heir. The christening has not taken place, and the question of name had not probably been decided, perhaps not thought of. I think the silver mug would be tasteful and fitting. Will you procure it, & cause the engraving to be executed. I do not think it worth the trouble to send the little article here. It can be put up for transmission by express best & most securely at the place of purchase…Mrs. Pierce’s health has improved somewhat since my return and we propose to leave for Little Boar’s Head next Saturday. Please to direct anything which you may have occasion to send me by mail to ‘North Hampton N.H.” The top of the first page bears an identification notation, likely done in Webster’s hand. In fine condition.