143 Gerald Ford TLS


TLS signed “Gerald R. Ford,”
One page, 7.25″ x 10.5″, personal letterhead
No date

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TLS signed “Gerald R. Ford,”
One page, 7.25″ x 10.5″, personal letterhead
No date

In part: “I am returning the photograph of the five Presidents…I made a commitment with Presidents Reagan, Carter, Bush and Nixon that I would autograph a limited number of prints and no more. I intend to maintain that commitment, so I am returning to you the copy you forwarded to me. The agreement was made in order to preserve the historical value of the five Presidents’ autographed photo. The unique photograph taken at the White House in 1981, with Nixon, Carter, Reagan and Ford has become commercialized and cheapened because thousands of copies of the photo have been autographed by the four of us. If at all possible, I will not permit the mistake to be repeated. Contrary to the irresponsible news stories, the five Presidents have not benefited financially by this agreement. I assure you I have not.” In fine condition