185 King George V Document Signed


Partly-printed DS, signed “George R. I.,”
One page, 17″ x 13″
November 24, 1915

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Partly-printed DS, signed “George R. I.,”
One page, 17″ x 13″
November 24, 1915

Royal notice issued to “To All and Singular loving Subjects,” declaring that “Our Good Friend the President of the United States of America has by a Commission bearing date the 17th day of September, 1915, appointed Mr. Maxwell K. Moorhead to be Consul at Swansea, and We having approved of this appointment according to the Commission before mentioned, Our Will and Pleasure are, and We hereby require that you do receive, countenance, and as there may be occasion, favourably assist him…in the exercise of the Office.” Signed in the upper left by King George V, and countersigned below by Edward Grey. In fine condition, with some light toning

From the Collection of Dr. Lawrence E. Miller.