Typescripts of articles on Hitler and the invasion of the Rhineland (1936)
5 page typed article with cover letter signed by V(iolet) Searman, dated April 1st 1936. ‘Dear Mr. Hillman, Sent herewith a copy of Mr. Churchill’s article for the Evening Standard. It is possible that there may be a slight alteration tomorrow when Hitler’s reply is known, but in that case I will let you know.’
“It is a mistake to suppose that the problem of averting another European or probably a world war depends to any important extent upon the reply which Herr Hitler has made the Locarno Powers or to staff Conversations now decided upon between great Britain and France or Belgium. Herr Hitler is continuing his efforts to separate Great Britain from France, and also to separate British public opinion from the British Government and House of Commons. The British Government on the other hand is anxious to comfort France in view of the great restraint which France, largely in deference to British wishes, has observed in presence of the German breach of Treaties and military re-occupation of the Rhine zone.“
Published: the basis for Chapter 2, “Stop it Now”, April 3 1936” in Step by Step, 1936-1939 [London: 1939]